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Curtis Toledo OL Series Oil Free Reciprocating Compressors

Pressure Range 100 PSI
Motor Range 5 – 15 HP
Capacity 12.3 – 104 CFM
Electrical Supply 208 – 230 – 460 or 575V / 3PH / 60HZ

Curtis OL Series Brochure

  • Some pumps claim 100% cast-iron yet still have aluminum cylinders, cylinder heads, connecting rods and crankshafts – not FS-Curtis.
  • 100% Cast-Iron Cylinders, Cylinder heads, connecting rods, and crankshaft – All cast-iron where it counts for longer life with less maintenance.
  • The low speed pump and robust cast-iron crankcase, cylinder, and cylinder head ensures that the OL will offer long-term reliability and long-lasting performance.
  • An energy saving workhorse, the FS-Curtis OL Series’ 100% dry crankcase provides oil-less compressed air for critical applications with zero oil carryover.
  • It’s environmentally friendly with no oil vapor generated by the compressor, which eliminates the need for oil changes and oil disposal costs.

Oil Less Air Quality

100% dry crankcase provides oil-less compressed air for critical applications with zero oil carryover, Over-sized fan and multiple inter-stage cooling pipes to maximize heat transfer for lower discharge temperature, Environmentally friendly with no oil vapor generated by the compressor. Eliminates oil changes and oil disposal costs, Protects downstream equipment and reduces maintenance cost. Decreases costs and reduces system pressure loss due to reduction of air filtration equipment in the compressed air system


Low speed pump for long-term reliability and efficiency, 100% duty cycle for continuous operation, Robust cast-iron crankcase, cylinder, and cylinder head for long-lasting performance


Components have been made to the highest quality and precision to provide maximum performance in the most demanding of applications, Designed for low noise level, Precision manufactured valves increase air flow and maximize reliability


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